
is Best Delivery Service Near You

Gdyahis an application on Android and iPhone that provides you with a fast way to order from most restaurants and cafes in Sabha.

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Gdyah - قضْيـا

An easy and fast application to reach the restaurant you love

Order your food

order your food in an easy and simple steps

Use gdyah app

Use the application and avoid making long phone calls

Download Now

Register your store

As a restaurant or food factory owner, register with us in a simple and easy way

Achieve more by regi

Receive your orders, add the menu, and increase your sales to the largest number of customers

Register Now

Register as a driver

Register as a driver and you can receive orders from Many restaurants

Extra income

Using the Gadyah application, register with us as a driver and earn additional income from orders

Register Now

why choose Gdyah?

a complete soultion to order or sell your food


Find your daily meal


تطبيق سهل للطلب من المطاعم


Fastest food delivery service


Track your food order

ليش قضيا؟

طريقة سريعة وساهل توفر عليك الوقت والجهد بش تطلب اكلك من المتاجر

Earn Money From Gdyah