Privacy policy

privacy policy
Please read with understanding before using our services

Dear customer, we are pleased that you care about data protection. We would also like to provide you with an easily understandable overview of our data protection process. We aim to provide you with a great and protected customer experience, which also means that you can always trust us and that we are always transparent and honest with you. Your trust in our products is the reason we can provide you with a great customer experience. We would like to thank you for this cooperation.

who are we
We are Gdyah E-commerce Company. You can always contact us through one of the following methods: By email:
By visiting our website, registering or placing orders, you agree to this privacy policy. As a data controller, we determine how we process your personal data. Although we are required by law to provide you with all of the following information, we do so primarily out of our belief that a partnership must always be built on honesty. As data controllers, we are responsible that all our processing activities comply with legal requirements. If you have any questions about data protection in a case, you can contact our H team and we promise to reach the point of contact.

Right of amendment
We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy by the legal provisions. We will notify you of any significant changes, such as changes to or new purposes for processing. In this case, we will not process your data without obtaining your consent to the amendments.
Privacy is your right and you have a choice
As a customer, you have a choice of what information you wish to share with us. Of course, we need some information to fulfill our contract. However, this does not always require all the data that you can make available to us.

Data processing
We only use personal data that is required to be able to serve you and is mandatory for us to be able to deliver products and services to you. Without your consent to the use of your data, you will not be able to use our services.
You may also exercise the following rights at any time
The right to review the privacy policy
You have the right to review and agree to the Personal Data Privacy Policy before we process your data.


Right to correction
If you notice that the data stored is incorrect, you can correct your data directly in your profile.
Right to deletion
You can ask us at any time to delete the data we have stored about you and then your account will be deactivated.
Right to data portability
You can ask us to send you data relating to you which we have stored in a machine-readable form. In this regard, we will make the data available to you in electronic format.

The right to file a complaint
If you believe we have made an error about your data or your rights, you may submit a complaint at any time by sending an email to


What data do we process?
Your data is processed only by strict legal requirements. We pay special attention to the fact that all principles of processing personal data must be taken into account. It also pays great attention to transparency. Therefore, we only process your data within the legal framework where it can reasonably be expected to process such data. If, in the course of our evaluation, we conclude that processing cannot be reasonably expected, we will only carry out the processing with your express consent. In the following description of our processing activities, we refer in each case to the categories of personal data.
contact information
Your name, mobile phone number, email address, and ID number from any social media (if applicable). Reason: If you contact us, we collect this data because we need to know who we are talking to and what we are talking about so that we can help you with why you are contacting us.
Customer location data
Address, city, country, latitude, and longitude Reason: We need this data to be able to deliver your orders. We automatically generate latitude and longitude to enable us to process your delivery address in our other relevant systems and to display your address to our delivery workers or our restaurant delivery workers.

Profile data (master data)
Name, email address, mobile phone number, delivery address, and date of birth. Reason: This data is your main data, which we need to provide our services. Without a mobile phone number, you cannot create a profile. Your name, email, and delivery addresses together represent the main data.


Device information and access data
This means the device identity, device identification number, operating system and corresponding version, device location, access time, configuration settings, and information related to the Internet connection (IP address). Reason: Upon each access, we store this information for technical reasons. We also use parts of this information to detect suspicious behavior at an early stage and to avoid any harm.

Order information
Record (history) of orders, restaurants selected, invoices, order identification number, order rating, information about payment method, delivery address, successful orders, and canceled orders. Reason: Every time you place an order, this information is added to your profile. You can view information about recent orders in your profile at any time. The information should give you an overview of your interests and previous requests. We also use the same information to improve our services. In addition, we will blur this information upon your request to delete it.

Contact information
Name, email address, mobile phone number, and device identification number. Reason: If you want to receive emails, SMS messages, or in-app pop-up ads from us, we need specific information to send you messages. Instead of addressing you as "You're welcome," we find customers should address you by name. We also use this form of personal information to contact you, for example, if a product cannot be delivered and we want to offer you an alternative.

payment information
Payment method, part of the credit card information, stored credit card coding, card expiration date, bank ID (first six digits on the card), last four digits on the card, and card type. Why: We need this information to track your payments and link them to the orders you've placed. In order to make the ordering process more convenient for you, we offer to save your preferred payment method. This means you don't have to enter your payment details again the next time you place an order. Storing this data requires your prior consent. You can also save your payment information and can remove it in the future at any time from your account page
Delivery data
Name, delivery address, telephone number, and order ID Reason: By the principle of minimization of data requirements, we only provide our drivers and restaurants with the data they need from you to prepare and deliver your order.

Transfer information to drivers and restaurants
We use different drivers for delivery. They may be independent or third parties who provide us with drivers based on a data processing agreement when we deliver our orders. In all these cases, we send your data to the drivers so that they can deliver your order quickly.
Customer relationship management


call center
Whenever there is a need to contact you, one of our call center agents may contact you and we may record and store the conversation with you. In some individual cases, recordings are also used to improve the quality of customer service, i.e. for training (mentoring) our employees. The content of the information we store depends on the information you provide to us as part of our communications. Stored telephone calls are also deleted after 12 months at the latest or if the purpose of storage has been fulfilled, i.e. if the quality check has been achieved before this period.

Prevent fraud and protect our platform
To protect our customers and our platform from potential attacks, we constantly monitor the activities on our site for all visitors. For this purpose, we use various technical measures to ensure that suspicious behavior patterns are detected at an early stage and prevented in a timely manner. To achieve this goal, several monitoring mechanisms operate in parallel and prevent potential attackers from accessing our site at all. The decision-making process occurs automatically and can have a legal effect on the people involved or affect them in a similar way. If automated decision-making results in a negative outcome for you and you do not agree with that decision, you can contact us at In this case, we will evaluate the circumstances of this incident individually.
Mergers, acquisitions, change of ownership or closure
We would also like to inform you that in the event of a merger with another company or acquisition of the company, we will disclose information to that company. Of course, we will require the company to comply with statutory data protection regulations.

Vouchers (and coupons)
We often offer coupons to users of our platforms. The reasons can vary. The purpose of these coupons is to reward our loyal customers and encourage them to continue using our platforms. To verify the number, value, and frequency of use of vouchers, and also to avoid misuse of these vouchers, we collect various personal data.
Who do we work with and where do we process your data
We never give your data to unauthorized third parties. However, as part of our business, we obtain services from selected service providers and give them limited and strictly monitored access to some of our data. All data recipients must meet legal data protection requirements and demonstrate their level of data protection with appropriate evidence.

Service providers
We use different data processors to process data daily. They process your data by the requirements of the Communications and Information Technology Commission and our standards and have no claims of any kind regarding this data. We also check our data processors regularly and only allow those who meet our standards. Some of our service providers are outside Libya.

Third parties
We also work with third parties, in addition to data processors, to whom we also transfer your data, but they are bound by privacy guidelines. These are, for example, our consultants, lawyers, or tax advisers who receive your data from us on a contractual basis and process your data for legal reasons or to protect our interests. We do not sell or rent your data to third parties under any circumstances. This will never happen without your express consent.

Prosecution powers and legal procedures
Unfortunately, a few of our customers and service providers may not act fairly and want to harm us. In these cases, we are not only obligated to hand over personal data due to legal obligations, but it is also in our interests to prevent harm, enforce our claims, and reject unjustified claims.
Categories of personal data
● Contact information ● Order information ● Device and data access information ● Payment information ● Coupon information ● Delivery information ● Location data ● Profile data (master data) ● Contact data

Your requests
Your satisfaction is our greatest goal. So we are very keen to be available and answer all your questions. To be able to answer these questions and generally understand the issue, we store the conversation content in our customer relationship management system when you contact us. The content of the information we store depends on the information you provide to us as part of our communications.